Box Greener - Environmental Solutions for Business

Environmental Audits & Inspections.

Is it for my organisation?

A full site environmental audit or inspections is an all encompassing inspection of your site. You hire us and we physically attend your site that will assess an measure your organisation to establish the level of environmental engagement, control and compliance against pre-determined legislative and best practice standards. The inspection serves as gap analysis and upon completion we will forward our report together with any recommendations that we may have.

During the audit we will take measurements, photos and may even perform scientific testing.

Our environmental inspections include assessing:

  • The level of environmental leadership at your organisation.
  • Your environmental policies.
  • The level of environmental procedures and training within your organisation.
  • The various substances you use on your site.
  • The storage of substances and materials at your site.
  • Emissions to air.
  • Discharge to water .
  • Waste management.
  • Land and property management.
  • Noise, light and odour management.
  • Emergency preparedness.

Each attribute is scored fully, partly, barley or not compliant, with a numerical value assigned. You'll receive an overall  score for your site in the form of  percent % environmental engagement and compliance.


How long does it take?

These inspections are thorough but the time depends on the size and complexity of your site. You should anticipate at least a full working day in order for completion. 

How much does it cost?

Full site environmental inspection start from: £575
